Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bane C-3320

The Bane, based on a story from HouseOfLostDolls@aol.com called Eudeamon. Available at http://www.evil-dolly.com is about a future society where prisoners can be punished by being put into a Bane Suit and Helmet.

Scorpion (Scorpion, OnArt, 204,33,36) in Second Life sells Sable Janus' BaneHelmet. Combined with a black latex suit, you too can be a bane. It is a very isolating and frustrating experience. When I need to be punished I am Bane C-3320.

When I am Bane, I cannot respond to chat or im. Please don't feel that I am ignoring you, I'm not. I'm just blocked from responding.

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